Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Bento; chilling drinks; quote about modesty

1. Bento is not an extraordinary thing in Japan, but in our city (Minsk, by the way) no one "playing" with food in that way. It could be not so bad business here I think, it's very cute. All girls will buy it for instagram photos and kids will force their parents to purchase it:)

2.  The  existence of chilling drinks (Neuro Sleep and Just Chill, for example) is very new for me. We have only energy drinks here. I would definitely buy it if I saw it because sometimes I have insomnia. And sometimes it's hard for me to relax :( 

3. I think that the best quote about modesty is: "Modesty is a way to obscurity". I like it.

I think enough for the first time :)